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Business Builders: Boosting Sales

November 2021

Takeout Window Growth

Key Idea – When restaurateur Maria Fox originally moved into her present location, she eliminated delivery in favor of installing a drive-up takeout window alongside the building. However, during the pandemic, the window has been a godsend which has helped sales steadily grow. Perhaps because many locals still feel uncomfortable about entering public spaces, this safe-feeling version of “curbside pickup” continues attracting 20 new customers weekly. And thanks to Maria’s great- tasting food, many return as regulars!

Maria Fox, Owner
Pizza Ria’s Too
Thurston, OH

Solving Limited Labor

Key Idea – To get more done with fewer employees, Scott Anthony has shortened business hours and closed one day per week to better match available labor to when customer demand (and sales) are highest. He has also encouraged his regulars to order online, thereby freeing team members from less-productive phone duty.

Key Idea – Similarly, Scott is keeping close tabs on rising wages and ingredient costs and has successfully adjusted his menu prices three times this year to keep up with unavoidable increases. As a result, Scott’s unit sales and profits are actually tracking ahead of 2019 pre- pandemic levels!

Scott Anthony, Owner
Punxy Pizza
Punxsutawney, PA